I can’t tell you how many requests I’ve had for a pink classroom theme, so I knew I had to deliver! When I thought about this particular room, I knew that I should incorporate trendy patterns (chevron, polka dots, damask) AND the color gray. Gray is so hot right now! Target has even created gray […]
I can’t tell you how many requests I’ve had for a pink classroom theme, so I knew I had to deliver!
When I thought about this particular room, I knew that I should incorporate trendy patterns (chevron, polka dots, damask) AND the color gray. Gray is so hot right now! Target has even created gray storage solutions in their Dollar Spot! Woohoo!
I have to tell you, when I finished this room, it nearly took my breath away. This Classroom Couture collection is the epitome of gorgeousness!
I wanted this room to have a vintage appeal, so over-the-top crystals, satin ribbon, barn wood, and weathered looking printable decor were in order!
AND… you will see a chandelier in this room.
Yes…a chandelier.
Do you think I’m crazy yet?!?
Let me explain…
When my son was entering the 8th grade, I walked into his science classroom on Parent Information Night. In the center of his classroom, the teacher had a CHANDELIER hanging. I was intrigued. As I sat and listened to her presentation, I couldn’t stay focused. I was so interested in the teacher’s choice of classroom décor.
This particular teacher had curtains and lamps as well. There was a soft, warm feeling to her classroom. The room definitely reflected this teacher’s personality. It appeared that his science teacher also enjoyed her job and took a great deal of time to create this environment.
She won me over that night and my hunch was correct…she was a fantastic teacher and loved her students.
First impressions are SO important.
So, I don’t think chandeliers are too crazy. If you love them and think they would make you feel good in your environment, then for heaven’s sake, add one to your room!
*My chandelier was from Kmart on clearance. It was from the garden section of the store and meant for outside use. I spray painted it white and added crystals for an inexpensive addition to this room!
You can also check out this website for inexpensive chandeliers..
I’m really excited to show you the rest of this room! I hope you love it as much as I do!
Introducing “Vintage Chic Pink”
Vintage Chic Pink Shopping Guide:
Labels, tags, banners, printables, poms, white paper daisies, birds, prints, burlap ribbon: Schoolgirl Style Shop
Photos: E.C. Campbell Photography
Gray storage containers: Target
Crystal supply holders, pink ribbon, picture frames: Hobby Lobby
Gray chair, lamp: www.homegoods.com
Silver bucket, flowers: Pottery Barn
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