I’ve had a ton of teachers email me and ask me to do a room that is geared for older students. I knew that I wanted to do a Rock Star room, but it couldn’t be just some TYPICAL and PREDICTABLE Rock Star room. What I mean by “typical” and “predictable” – when you think […]
I’ve had a ton of teachers email me and ask me to do a room that is geared for older students. I knew that I wanted to do a Rock Star room, but it couldn’t be just some TYPICAL and PREDICTABLE Rock Star room. What I mean by “typical” and “predictable” – when you think of Rock Star you think of music notes, records, and guitars. NOPE. Not for this girl. I wanted to throw all of the cutesy stuff out the window. I wanted it to be a ROCKIN’, over the top, older looking Rock Star theme. I envisioned a Bret Michaels (Poison lead singer and reality T.V. star from Rock of Love – just in case you are too young or too old to know who he is! Hahaha! ) inspired theme. I wanted glitter, sequins, zebra/cheetah prints, rhinestones, and tattoos! (Clip art tattoos, by the way – NOT on your students! ) Plus…I’ve been to a couple Poison concerts in my day (wink! wink!), so I am pretty familiar with rock star glam! *Insert 90’s era, big-haired Melanie here…
See? I told you I know a thing or two about Poison concerts!
I actually created two different rooms – one room is for you BRAVE souls out there who aren’t afraid to show your inner Rock Star! Zebra and cheetah prints, glitter guitars and stars, rhinestone desk accessories, rhinestone studded ribbon, sequined pillows, gorgeous black picture frames, some rockin’ black, pink, and ruffled bags, and some hot pink poms – just because they are so darn cute! All of my tags are cheetah, zebra, and glitter! I created a MUST HAVE All Access Pass badge for your rockin’ students! Perfect for field trips, when you have a substitute teacher, or for hall/bathroom passes. I mean, seriously, they are SO stinkin’ cute!!!
If you are a more “reserved” teacher, but love the Rock Star theme, I created a subdued version using aqua and hot pink glitter, lots of rock star kid accessories, poms, and regular bulletin board paper. You still get that AWESOME Rock Star effect, but it isn’t as “over the top” as the first theme.
Here is the first look…
Using wrapping paper is my biggest design secret. Look at all of the options that are available to create the look that you want! Bulletin board paper is fine, but wrapping paper comes in so many designs and colors and does the same thing as bulletin board paper. This gives you the “WOW!” you want in your classroom!
This paper is wrapping paper from Hobby Lobby. It is actually called “flocked” paper. Flocked paper has a raised affect and has a furry/soft feeling when you touch it.
Zebra and Cheetah print book basket labels! Notice the glitter and rhinestone studded ribbon! “Must haves” for your Rock Star themed classroom! *Use metal rings to hang your tags.
My “Keep Calm and Teach On” print with a rockin’ gorgeous black frame. Notice the glitzy lamp and pink peonies? Can you say L.O.V.E?!?! Make your desk your favorite spot in the classroom!
Rhinestone desk accessories from Hobby Lobby! Every Rock Star needs rhinestones!
Gorgeous ribbon, glittery stars, and sequin pillows – perfect for your Rock Star theme!
The Jewel from Hobby Lobby! Keep Calm print is available in my shop for only $3! You get several colors to choose from to match your classroom décor! Did you notice my “All Access Pass” badge? Zebra, glitter, and tattoo looking clip art to tie into your theme. How cute is that?!?!
My All Access Pass badge! Print and cut out badge. Buy plastic badge protectors from Staples – they are super cheap for a package OR you can laminate. Add a ribbon or lanyard to look like a real backstage pass for your Rock Star classroom!
Scalloped tags in six different designs. Print out and either use them “as is” or purchase a 3 inch scalloped punch from www.amazon.com to give them a scalloped appearance. Use tags to label anything in your classroom!
Fancy labels in pink and aqua. I love the how these tags look like glitter!
“First Grade Rocks” print available in my shop! Every grade level is available!
The boxes are from www.polkadotmarket.com and are a huge part of my design. They are perfect for storage and are extremely inexpensive for a huge design impact. I love using these in all of my classrooms for their functional use, but they are extremely stylish and decorative as well. Even if I didn’t have anything to put in the boxes, I would still use them as an inexpensive way to pull my design together.
Guitar templates and glitter wrapping paper from Michaels. I used guitars to trace on glittered paper. Star templates are also sold in my shop to use as tracers to create different sized stars for your classroom. *Round zebra letters are available in my shop – you get 7 table signs, a blank sign, and a “Rock On” sign.
Lots of kid “rock star” accessories to pull your theme together!
All Access Pass badge in aqua!
“Welcome” banner in a zebra print sold in my shop!
Aqua/cheetah glitter nameplates! Cute!
Hot pink glittered nameplates! You have four different nameplates to choose from. Sold in the Schoolgirl Style shop.
Pink and aqua poms and my aqua fancy label!
Shopping Guide for your Rock Star themed classroom!
Poms, zebra print boxes, printable tags, labels, and banners – Schoolgirl Style
Photography by Amie Akers from AAkers Imagery – www.aakersimagery.com
Desk, umbrella stand, headphones – Pottery Barn
Wrapping paper – Hobby Lobby, Homegoods, Party City
Glitter wrapping paper – Michaels
Black utility baskets – Dollar General
Rhinestone and glitter ribbon – Michaels
Pink flowers/feathers – Hobby Lobby
Desk accessories – Hobby Lobby
Sequin pillows and rugs – Target
Black frame – Homegoods
Lamp and cake stand – T.J. Maxx
The Jewel, zebra pails, “Rock On” letters, pink/black damask ribbon – Hobby Lobby
badge protectors – Staples
Lanyards – MC Sports
striped bags, pink ruffle bag – thirty-one
kid “Rock Star” accessories – Michaels
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