I have always LOVED birds. My house is decorated with vintage bird prints, birds nests under glass domes – subtle touches of birds here and there. Not really sure what my fascination is with birds, but I am drawn to them. Birds represent happiness to me, tiny little creatures that speak so sweetly – almost […]
I have always LOVED birds. My house is decorated with vintage bird prints, birds nests under glass domes – subtle touches of birds here and there. Not really sure what my fascination is with birds, but I am drawn to them. Birds represent happiness to me, tiny little creatures that speak so sweetly – almost giving you the impression that they are little messengers from heaven.
I had a very special little girl in my classroom for the last two years. This little girl had Down Syndrome. At the end of the school year, I received a gift from her mother – when I opened it up, it was a bluebird used to hang outside in a garden. It was so beautiful! I immediately thought, “How did she know that I love birds?” When I read the card that accompanied the gift, she had written that the bluebird was a very special symbol in their family. Only people that they love would receive a blue bird. She then went on and said that I meant so much to her and her family – I was their angel. She was giving me a bluebird to represent that I was an important part of their lives. I cried…and cried…and cried. “I was their ANGEL.” Wow! That was pretty powerful.
Over the summer, I found a pad of paper shaped like a bluebird from Carson Dellosa – I immediately loved it and knew I had to try and use it in one of my classroom designs. I had lots of different ideas for decorating my own classroom, but I kept coming back to this bluebird paper and how I could incorporate a theme around it. After some thinking, I figured out how to use the bird paper. With special permission from Carson Dellosa, I was allowed to blow up the image. I can’t wait to show you how I used this cute, little guy!
Every day, I walk into my classroom and I am reminded of my student from last year. The sweet bluebird is not only a reminder of her, but it is also a reminder of how powerful our profession is. As teachers, we have the ability to change lives, to inspire children – our actions and words matter. Our classrooms should be a haven where children are loved, respected, and nurtured. What an awesome responsibility we have! I often say that teaching is something that I never chose to do…I believe that I was chosen to be a teacher. The bluebird is a reminder that when I stand before my students- I am there for a reason. I have a purpose. This is my calling. I was someone’s angel.
I hope that every day when you walk into your own classroom, you remember that you are there for a reason, you have a purpose. You were chosen to be their teacher…YOU have the ability to be someone’s angel.
WELCOME to my classroom…
Photography by E.C. Campbell Photography of Rochester Hills, Michigan
Table signs, Word Wall tags, mailbox tags, Welcome Banner, Daily 5 Tags, Book basket tags, Book basket labels, nameplates – Schoolgirl Style *You can purchase from the Schoolgirl Style Shop
Bluebird – Carson Dellosa *Birds in nest were enlarged with Carson Dellosa’s permission
Cloud cut out – Carson Dellosa
Green Tubs – Dollar Tree
Green polka dot border and matching alphabet – Teacher Created Resources
Blue and green utility baskets – Dollar General
Brown baskets – Jo-Ann Fabrics
Nests and Flower Poms – Schoolgirl Style Shop
Ribbon and polka dot curtain fabric – Hobby Lobby
Green and white polka dot leaves – Wrapping paper from Hobby Lobby
Yellow baskets – Really Good Stuff
Lime green and brown brown bordette/sky paper – Pacon
Wall picture frames for student work – Lakeshore
Green photo frames – TJ Maxx
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